
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

life lessons

“Prosperity is a way of living & thinking,
& not just money or things.
Poverty is a way of living & thinking,
& not just a lack of money or things.”

~ Eric Butterworth

Wow. To see these particular words right now is ... yeah.

Today when hubby got home from work he told me that it is no longer a matter of if they will be laid off from work, but when. So we don't know when, or for how long. This ... sucks.I guess the sad part is that it did not have to be this way. But thanks to a dead grumpy old man, it is.

I try so hard to keep a positive outlook on my life. I am the one who always tells hubby to not worry so much. And now here I am, the one who is worried. So is hubby, but I expected that.

I'm not sure what is in store for us, I just try to think positive that it will all be just fine. We will make it. Somehow, we always do. Sometimes with a little financial aid, sometimes by shear luck?

I'm not sure how exactly to go about my positive views for this new situation put before us. I know I will find a way. Perhaps reading a bit of The Secret, or something from Dr. Dyer. Perhaps thru some deep thinking. Somehow... it will come.


  1. Lots of folks 'falling' into tough times out there. Canadian politicians keep telling us we're in better shape than most but most Canadians don't believe them. Its very hard for the average westerner to understand the size of economic difficulties which lay ahead. The world has experienced too much anthropocentricity during the last 500 years and this led civilization into the dangerous belief that mankind can solve the problems of this old earth. Mother nature, sooner or later, one way or another, will remind us of the delusion of our quest for security.
    The irony is in the idea of "Mother nature" that most tend to prioritize the idea to the so-called natural world. The reality exists in evry aspect of life because all things come from the earth and when we think we can control it we are like the old adage "god laughs at those of us who make plans".

  2. Good morning! There's a blog award waiting for you at! Please stop by soon to pick it up! Thanks for following my blog, and have a blessed week! :]

  3. Wonderful words. I find myself reminding folks that the true abundance may only be found in their hearts, dreams and actions. And when it comes to actions - it's about sharing, not receiving.


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