
Saturday, November 14, 2009

HFCS in Mountain Dew

This past summer Mt Dew came out with a Throwback Dew that was made with real sugar instead of the HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup). The taste was fantastic & the more my daughter brought home & we bought, the more we were hooked. Well, when it was gone, I drank no more Dew. I was kinda sad since I had really enjoyed the new formula & back in the day I enjoyed the Dew too.

The other day when the kids & I went out, I grabbed a Mt Dew. Yeah ... with the old HFCS. After just a few swigs, I had a icky feeling in my tummy. I enjoyed the taste ... but only kind of. It just wasn't the same as the Throwback formula. It took me 2 days to finish it.

Why is it so hard to just go natural & use real sugar? I found out that in Canada they wont accept HFCS in their ketchup so Heinz makes it for them with sugar. Why not make it that way all over? The only ketchup I can find without it is Organic.

In many ways, we have gone natural & dont think twice about it & will not switch back. I wish people would demand more of it so more companies would have to make it that way.

Maybe one day ....


  1. I like what you are doing, working toward a more natural and organic lifestyle. Me too! I wish more companies would consider using more natural ingredients. Hopefully they are catching on that there is money to be made in providing us with natural foods.


  2. Thanks Christi. I've worked hard to get to where I am today. It still irks me when I have to look so hard to find something made with ... less. Depending on my financial situation, I buy more of the good stuff, or less. But a few things, I will do without before I go back.


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