
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Feeling new life by taking life ...

I’ve been busy the past couple days & I’m kinda at a loss for what to write about for today. I think this short bit about time in the yard will do nicely tho…
We (my hubby & I) did a bit more yard work Saturday afternoon. Even tho we were taking down trees, it felt rewarding. The area of the yard we’re working on has been neglected for years by previous tenants. We’re now trying to fix that by bringing some life back to the hillside. It has overgrown & gotten full of weedy tree saplings. There are several juniper bushes that I imagine used to look beautiful. Now, they are more than half dead from bad cutting, lack of light & water & neglect. It’s like that with everything back there. It feels choked when you stand before the hillside.
Yesterday, when we took down another couple of the trees, I felt life come back. I felt less of that choking feeling. I felt like even tho we took the lives of those trees, the hillside said thank you.
I watched a robin dance from tree branch to tree branch as we clipped away the weedy ones. Even the robin seemed happy with our efforts.
All I know, is that it felt good to be outside. I felt like a small part of me was reconnecting with the Earth.


  1. This post makes perfect sense. And yes, I believe that is the gift of death - it makes room for life. Imagine if no one or nothing died! Choked wouldn't be the half of it.

  2. something about hard work in nature that makes doing everything else easier. so true.


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