
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

just an update

Nice oddball time for me to be writing. The store is pretty well covered for a change, without me needing to be there. Of course the rest of this week looks like I’ll be there a lot. It all ends Sunday tho, so that is okay. Monday was pretty crazy. I was back & forth a few times filling in gaps. So as a store we have made just over 7000 dollars so far. Unfortunately, when you unevenly divide that by 12, it sucks. My personal sales are less than half of last year. I’m just amazed tho that as a store we have presented ourselves so well. The public is so excited to have us here, they all want us to always be here. Well, the mall is no place for people like us, with their rules. We will be looking for something as a stand-alone shop.
I keep mentioning that so much is changing in my life. It’s hard to know where to start to put those things on paper (or computer). Right now I’m waiting for the hubby to get home so we can shower together & maybe even splurge for a cheap dinner out to get some alone time. We’ll see. Not sure how much I can get into things until he’s home.

Many people know that my views on things, on life & everything around us, is different than most. Lately it has been changing more rapidly. My views, my thoughts, are all growing & changing so fast. My eyes are opening wider & wider. Some of it scares the crap out of me. Some of it makes other things make so much more sense. Of course, they are still just my views, which we are all entitled to. A lot of things are based on facts, but a lot are also based on spirit & belief. I think as the New Year begins, I will attempt to venture down that road on writing to share my thoughts, my spirit, & my findings, with all of you. I tried once before to have a spiritual journal. Never went anywhere. I think that was the groundwork for now. I have already begun one on here.
And the hubby is home. Insert gap. So we got a nice shower together ………. But we opted for dinner at home. I’m distracted now tho so anymore stuff will have to wait.

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