
Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I think all the 90 to nothing has worn me down mentally. I’m feeling rather ‘eh’ today. With such fun & positive things going on, it feels like I should be all chipper & cheerful & whatnot. Well, if there were sales at the Drop Dead Fabulous store, maybe. If I already had everything in place for the bra event, maybe. If my hubby were not going thru one of his down swings, maybe. If I had even a sale on Etsy, maybe. But, none of those things are happening right now so I’m just ‘eh’.

I just downed a whole Mounds candy bar without any thought. I could easily eat another one if I had it. Thankfully I only grabbed one at the checkout a bit ago.

On the surface I can have the world thinking I’m on top of the world. Sometimes, that gets tiring. Like today. I know it’ll pass tho.

I’m bummed because I can’t find my Avon face stuff anymore. Leave it to them to discontinue the line. Dammit. I’m an adult (or so they tell me) & I still get acne or pimples every now & then, & I have oily facial skin. So the Avon Solutions line of stuff called True PoreFection was great. I used the toner on occasion. I used the face wash stuff on occasion. But I used the Oil Free Skin Clearing Lotion almost every night. I only wash my face with water most of the time. After drying off, I put a bit of this on my face before bed. It really helps clear my skin & it even cuts down on the oil for awhile. Well, my last bottle is about gone. Now I can’t find anymore. I’ve emailed the local Avon lady to see if she happens to have a stash of them. Or if there is a replacement product they now carry. I hope so.

Dang I hate this blah feeling crap. There is so much I need to be doing & I don’t wanna do any of it. I really need to snap out of it.

I think in just a bit I’ll go out & get my flowers watered. I should have done that yesterday. With the warmer weather we’ve had I really have to pay more attention & remember to water them regular like I was doing all summer. I slacked off a little when it cooled down, & it’s hard ot get back in the habit now. Soon as I do, it’ll cool off again.

I can’t believe how fast the year is going by. I’m looking at how soon we go on vacation, and then open the store & it’s scary! No, vacation time is not scary. Being ready to open the store is.

So there you have some random babbling from me. Not much else going on that I feel like writing about today. Guess I should put on the happy face so I can positively promote the bra thing again. Off I go.

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