
Saturday, May 24, 2008

plans foiled by weather suck

Another week is gone. I meant to sit & write several times this past week. One thing or another has gotten in the way, or just plain old distracted me.
I don’t even know where to start. I guess where I left off? Might be good. That was last Friday evening. Wow. Saturday at market was ok. Not super exciting, but good. Visited with some of the vendors, & a couple friends. Tim went up on the foot bridge & took a few pix looking down on the market. I’ll get those posted … somewhere. We were supposed to have a board mtg afterwards, but since we were missing a few board members, it got postponed until this week. Right now, I don’t even remember what we did the rest of the weekend. Sad huh?
The beginning of the week was … not very memorable either. I usually jot down stuff in my planner, just for this reason, to help me remember. It’s blank until Friday. I slacked. I did some cleaning around here. You know, basic stuff & plant watering, vacuuming, dusting. Fun. Right.
Oh, I know… Tuesday Connie & I went out & about. It was her day off. She went & got her food handler card, while I took the dog to get her nails trimmed at Petco. Then I wandered thru the mall. Stopped in to get my hair trimmed & talked to my girl about my perm. I got it right around my birthday & it’s pretty much fallen out already. Well, the girl I let do my hair last time, didn’t use a strong enough solution. So, we’ll do it again, but I’ll have to pay again too. At least this time I know it’ll last.
Wednesday I went into Fred Meyer to pick up a couple things. I saw Leah there. I don’t know who recalls me talking about her last year & especially last fall. At any rate, we have been actually chatting a bit when ever I see her working in there. Well, this day we started to actually get into some conversation. Then we decided to get together Thursday since it was her day off. Well, we never did. Dunno what happened either. I’m hoping we connect next week tho.
Friday I went out to the Dam to bring Colleen some of my stuff. I brought her note cards, book marks & a couple smaller prints. It’s a start. Over the next month, I’ll work on getting her a few other things too. Then I need to do a bio for me, & a nice price list too I think. After I dropped the stuff off, I went out to the garden area & took a few pictures of flowers. I hope they came out nice.
Friday morning tho, I made some money. I got a call Wednesday from my realtor girl. She liked the pix I did for her just back on the 8th, but hated her hair & the top she wore. So, we needed a retake, at her expense of course. AND … she was bringing a friend. Works for me!! So we set things up for Friday morning. I spent about 30 minutes or so, & made $70. Then, there is the editing time at home, but still, not bad money for a quick shoot.
Friday evening the weather here was crappy. We hesitated even loading the car for market. So, we didn’t. The forecast was for icky morning weather. Teach me to listen!! Tim woke me at about 530, to take the dog out cuz he was hurting. What did I wake up to? A friggin blue sky !!!! I was pissed. I took the dog out. It felt so nice out. I told Tim if I hustled, I could get there, but I didn’t wanna do it alone. And I didn’t wanna ask him to help since he was hurting. We opted to play hookie. Oh well right? He tells me I made money Friday, so it was ok. It felt weird. We ended up going down there, since Connie had not been yet. So, we stood around & visited with some of the vendors, got some rhubarb, and left. We stopped at a couple yard sales on the way back, but didn’t find anything good. Followed that by getting gas at Costco & then lunch. That was after doing some sampling of course. And they worked too, we bought a couple things.
We headed home, Tim went off to Joe’s, & I turned around & went to my meeting. Connie headed off to work while we were gone. I went to Joe’s after the meeting, & hung out there for a bit with the family. Afterwards, Tim & I went out to eat. It’s nice just us two, doing whatever.
Since about the 14th or so, Lorie & I have been going back & forth again with emails. I cant see our friendship being saved. I wont bore you all with her endless ramblings either. I am seeing a whole new side to her, & seeing it is certainly not just me who has hurt our friendship. Wow. It still amazes me at the things she wrote. I’m sorry to see this happen too. But, we all move on. It just saddens me that it seems she wont be part of my life anymore. Too much has been said between us. If things change, I’m sure I’ll make note.
So, other than this boring babble, not much new here. I’ve been working to make my site better again, with Connie doing the actual online part & me giving her the content. I have a long way to go, but its going. I’m trying to see what online groups are worth my time & effort for networking, & which I can do without. I’m also slowly trying to get various things organized around here. Both in real life, on the computer (like my endless photos) & with business stuff. I might be getting somewhere, but I wont say that too loud just yet. But now, I think it is time for me & my honey to go take a shower, & go to bed …..

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