A lot has been happening in my life these days. Sometimes I wonder about the spiritual side of it all. We are facing another cross country move here very shortly.
We began this year with news of hubby's father being in the hospital with congestive heart failure. For awhile there it did not look like he was going to pull thru. Hubby spent the first 3 weeks of the year down in Florida with his dad & family. During that time, near the beginning he felt maybe we should move back to be there to help his father out in the road to recovery which at the time appeared to be a long one.
Later in his time there hubby changed his mind. He had time to let the emotions stabilize as his father began to get better & stabilize too. During the time between those two decisions, I had to find it within me to make some decisions too.
So I spent a lot of time here thinking. Talking things out every evening with my man helped. Talking with a few friends here who are not connected in any way to things, helped even more. It got me to see things from a more neutral point of view.
By the time my man finally got home, I had made peace with the thought of moving back down to a place I never thought I would go back to. I spent so much time thinking about all the different aspects of it.
This is where the spiritual stuff comes in I guess. I began to think about what I have learned here. Maybe it was time for me to take what I had learned & share it. I talked more with people. Several are in agreement that this place, this Valley here, is just a stopping point in the big plan. It is not a place to stay. It is a place to come, learn & move on. And I feel this is something you learn as you live here. We have now been here for 4 years and 7 months. We've learned.
As much as we love it here for the nature reasons, it seems it is time to move on. It is time for us to take our new selves & see what else is in store for us. I do not see us staying back in the Panhandle of Florida forever. I see us there for a few years. I see us going to the Southwest after that. I don't know when exactly, but I see it.
Just wanted to get this out there. More later.
to take care of another who cannot take care of themself....no more gracious act of universal love exists...