Sometimes I wonder what should go here. What should I write about? How personal do I get? The intention to keep up with this is there, but it quietly waits for me to make new entries.
Just waiting ...
In daily life, I feel my spiritual side sometimes gets lost. Okay, often. It all depends on what is going on in life I suppose. I've let my Reiki slip. The seasons? Yup, they happen, without a ritual or anything. Full moons? Yup, those too. I'm not saying I want to recognize every little thing with a special ritual or something. That is sooo not me anyways. But I do wish I'd just acknowledge them a bit better as they happen.
One thing I have put more into is my pendulum. Recently my daughter wanted her own after we spent some time talking with mine to help her get thru some tough choices she was struggling with. We ended up going up to Spirals in nearby Chelan. Not only did she find her own pendulum, but I found another. Yes, I have one at home. I use it. It works well. But I just couldn't help myself when I was looking. I had one speak to me that it was for me & should come home with me. So, it did. This new one responds to me even better than the first one. I like it.
I've talked with a friend about the use of pendulums & how much faith to put into them. I love how she explained it to me. The energy coming form the pendulum is like that of our over souls. The answers come from a higher form of ourselves. A form that can see the entire picture, something that we can not always see ourselves. She went into a bit more, but I can't now put it all into words. I know that, I choose to believe this, & in turn can put my faith into my pendulum & the answers it gives me.
Another reason I choose to believe what answers come from it, is that it does NOT always tell me what I want to hear. Then I have to wait & see why.
Case in point? We found a house to rent with our friends. We thought it was perfect. The location was good, the size was big enough. Why would we not be able to rent it? No matter how I phrased the question, the answer was no. We finally got to see the inside. Although it was not perfect, we could have made it work. We as in our family. Not the friend's family. They had planned to take the basement area since they were comfortable with less space. The space was plenty big, but there was not enough daylight. So, we found out why we would not be able to move in. Until we got to see it, we had no idea of the big picture. We had no idea why on Earth we would not be able to make this work.
There have been other queries that I would have loved to have gotten yes answers for, that have not happened. I trust that there is good reason, & go about my day. I do not totally live by the answers, but do use them as a guide.
I enjoy this form of divination more than any other I have tried so far. Why? Because it gives a definitive yes or no. There is a lot less interpretation to do as with other forms. Most other forms of divination require you to interpret the answer. To me this gives them less weight so to speak. Answers could be interpreted to suit many things, all depending on how you look at it.
Of course I believe everyone has their own views & beliefs on this. I honor that. This is just my personal view & what works for me. As time goes on, I may find something else that works as good or even better. For now, at this point along my path, I have found a tool to help guide me along my journey.
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