Tuesday, November 24, 2009
life lessons
& not just money or things.
Poverty is a way of living & thinking,
& not just a lack of money or things.”
~ Eric Butterworth
Wow. To see these particular words right now is ... yeah.
Today when hubby got home from work he told me that it is no longer a matter of if they will be laid off from work, but when. So we don't know when, or for how long. This ... sucks.I guess the sad part is that it did not have to be this way. But thanks to a dead grumpy old man, it is.
I try so hard to keep a positive outlook on my life. I am the one who always tells hubby to not worry so much. And now here I am, the one who is worried. So is hubby, but I expected that.
I'm not sure what is in store for us, I just try to think positive that it will all be just fine. We will make it. Somehow, we always do. Sometimes with a little financial aid, sometimes by shear luck?
I'm not sure how exactly to go about my positive views for this new situation put before us. I know I will find a way. Perhaps reading a bit of The Secret, or something from Dr. Dyer. Perhaps thru some deep thinking. Somehow... it will come.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
media hype
Longer lashes, more lashes, thicker lashes …. Why? Just because the TV commercials say that is what we should have? Because stars all have long thick lashes?
I know someone who is using the stuff to grow more eyelashes. Why? Because they think what they have is not enough. Because there is something that can give them more. If the product were not available, we’d be happy with what we have. If the longer, thicker mascara stuff were not out there, we’d again be happy with what we have. Why then do we feel the need to buy these things?
Granted, I am not a regular makeup wearer. I own some, & I have worn it. But I do not on any sort of regular basis put the stuff on my skin. Why? Because I don’t feel the need to live up to what society says we should be doing. Why can we not accept the natural beauty of all women? Why do we hide behind the layers & layers of makeup, including those lovely eyelashes?
My personal opinion is that we should all learn to love the natural beauty we have been given. I feel we should give our skin the chance to breathe. I feel we should be cleansing it with natural things; allowing the natural glow & beauty to come thru. I feel that if we all paid more attention to our diets & lifestyles, we would see that we really don’t need to hide behind the chemicals of mascara & makeup.
And if you keep your mascara for too long, it grows bacteria. Which, are then put where? Right there by your eyes, giving them quick & easy entry to your body. Why would we subject ourselves to this? Thanks Hollywood! Thanks to all the stars out there who are always wearing the newest mascara & makeup, & telling us about it. Encouraging us to go out & try it so we can all look as glamorous as them. But we don’t. We don’t look like them because we are not them. We are everyday women. We have everyday lives & everyday bodies. Wearing the mascara or makeup they get paid to promote will not change us. Yet we continue to buy it.
I know I’m on my soapbox here & that many will disagree with me. That’s fine… we are all entitled to our opinions, which is exactly what all my words are here … my opinion.
Back when I worked as a photographer for a company, they wanted me to dress a certain way & wear makeup. We compromised with some of the clothes & most of the makeup. And it worked out fine for all involved. I did my job well … even if I was not dressed up or in full makeup. My skills as a photographer were not connected to what I wore, either on my face or my body.
Society has such a huge impact on all aspects of our lives. We as a whole don’t think for ourselves, but go by what advertising, TV, peers, you name it … tell us. Obviously this all goes way beyond makeup.
Ok anyway ... there, I got it off my mind & out there.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
HFCS in Mountain Dew
The other day when the kids & I went out, I grabbed a Mt Dew. Yeah ... with the old HFCS. After just a few swigs, I had a icky feeling in my tummy. I enjoyed the taste ... but only kind of. It just wasn't the same as the Throwback formula. It took me 2 days to finish it.
Why is it so hard to just go natural & use real sugar? I found out that in Canada they wont accept HFCS in their ketchup so Heinz makes it for them with sugar. Why not make it that way all over? The only ketchup I can find without it is Organic.
In many ways, we have gone natural & dont think twice about it & will not switch back. I wish people would demand more of it so more companies would have to make it that way.
Maybe one day ....
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Making your own deodorant
Last year (or has it been longer now?) I switched to an aluminum free deodorant. It took my body some time to adjust but now it works pretty darn well. I am happy to say that leaving the aluminum behind has been a great move for me.
So I came across this site called The Alternative Consumer which had a post about making your own deodorant here. A friend on Facebook shared it, so I read about it & promptly shared it again!
How much simpler can it get than mixing some Baking Soda, Cornstarch, Coconut Oil & scent? Not much!
I love the idea & plan to try it once my current stick is gone so I have a container to use (as suggested). So what do you think about the idea of making your own personal hygiene products like this?
Welcome to November
Samhain passed without any flair this year. I had begun to try planning some small something for the evening on the 31st but had little interest from my hubby so it just passed. There was much thought in my mind & heart tho as the evening went along.
I did some reading on the history of Samhain & Halloween. It was all very interesting & will help me in years to come.
Another something we had wanted to do was a Pagan style vow renewal for our 10th Wedding Anniversary. That special day is November 5th. It seems to have gotten pushed aside but with good reason. I'm sure the right time will present itself & we will do it then.
The good reason was a move that came up suddenly. After so long hunting for a place to live, one was presented that we never thought of as an option. So we had to move super fast to take advantage & make it all come together. We moved one building over & to a downstairs unit.
We did a really nice simple cleansing before we moved in. This was the first time we (myself, hubby & oldest daughter) have been able to do something like this at the actual move in time. It felt good too! We then moved the salt in first, before anything else was carried in. It feels good to be here & amazingly different than the old upstairs unit.
When we spend time inside here, it feels like the outside world just goes away. It is warm, inviting & so comfy. Spiritually, it feels so much better than the other place. We feel at home here.
I am looking forward to my spiritual side growing while we are here. I feel it already!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
No more bags & changing your recycling views
I would have think of a way tho, that people who can not afford to buy bags could get bags. I'm sure there is enough profit in the bags that they could be given out to those who need.
Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage Goes Bag-Free!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My Pendulum again

My Pendulums have been a huge focus in my life recently. Yes, that was plural. I have 2. I find myself using one when I am asking about personal things related to me, & my family & friends. I use the other one when I ask on behalf of a friend or if something is totally not personal. I can not exactly explain it, but I just know when to use which one. And if I'm in doubt, I'll ask them which I should be using.
With Mercury Retrograde in full swing right now, it has been an intense time for revisiting my queries from before MR began. I asked if during this time it was good to re-ask some questions. Oh yes. And would my answers be more accurate during MR? Oh yes, again. So, that is exactly what I have been doing, along with asking some new questions too.
I feel extremely connected to the pendulum. It feels so natural whenever I use it & I have since the first time I picked one up. Apparently, this is my gift for this lifetime. How do I know? I asked!
There have been some very interesting answers to my questions lately. When people or books tell you don't ask a question you don't want the answer to, they are not kidding. I got a couple answers last week that caught me totally off guard. Yeah ... so I will be careful in the future when I find myself drawn towards wanting to know things that maybe ... I don't really want to know.
I'll be adding some entries with some pendulum info I've gathered. I may back date them a bit, or not. Not sure yet. So, watch for them. Ok, that's all for the moment. I think.
Just a general update
As any of you who read this know, I strive to remove all HFCS from my diet. I'd love to also remove corn syrup in general but that is quite a bit harder to do than just removing the high fructose corn syrup. I am encouraged tho, that as of late I am seeing more labels telling us consumers that their products are now made without HFCS. Makes me smile!!
Bull's Eye BBQ sauce is now HFCS free. This is fantastic since all the other labels I checked of the big brands have the HFCS as either the first ingredient or pretty close to it.
Another cool thing was finding the no HFCS label on Log Cabin syrup. All the others have it so now we finally have a choice besides buying pure maple syrup which is quite pricey!
Along with the HFCS I am finding myself trying to get rid of so much MSG in my food. Wow, thats a tough one. Not only is there all kinds of salt in so many foods, but the MSG on top of it all.
I was really bummed to see the MSG on all the sausage & keilbasa labels. The fancy funky flavored ones are made with all sorts of good stuff but sometimes i just want plain old sausage or keilbasa. Today I found one that was MSG free. Yes! Ask & you shall receive.
With summer coming I am starting to look at salad dressing labels. Amazing how many of them have the HFCS. Why? Ugh! It just gets so irritating. But, there are a few brands that are free of it.
I'm working on making a "safe list". Mostly for my own benefit, but I will gladly share it here as well. I plan to list products that are HFCS free & MSG free. Granted it will be tailored to what we eat, but it may help out some of you as well. It'll be a work in progress for awhile, but when it's done I'll make an entry for it.
On the non food front ... I'm going to have to do some more looking on laundry cleaners soon. My last bottle of Era is less than half full. Currently, I'm using the smallest amount of that along with baking soda, vinegar & hydrogen peroxide in my loads. I'm pretty happy with the way the hydrogen peroxide works in place of bleach. The vinegar works as a decent softener & along with the baking soda, they remove odors pretty well.
I'm happy with the Dr. Bronner's Sal Suds for my hand dishwashing needs. adding a little vinegar helps cut heavy grease too so thats cool. Baking soda works good as a non abrasive scrub too. I'm not sure what I plan to do to replace my dishwasher tabs tho. I currently use Electrsol 3 in 1. We'll see what I can find to replace that.
A solution of vinegar & water in a spray bottle has worked great on my stove top cooktop as well as on windows & mirrors for cleaning. And all we use is a clean microfiber cloth. No paper towels!
Guess that's it for the moment. Just wanted to get an update on here of real life. As always, all your comments are most welcome!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
12 Dangerous food additives
In the United States, more than 3,000 substances can be added to foods for the purpose of preservation, coloring, texture, increasing flavor and more. While each of these substances is legal to use (at least here in the States), whether or not they are all something you want to be consuming is another story all together.
With any processed food you run the risk of coming across additives, and reading through ingredient labels can be like trying to decode a puzzle.
Of course, eating largely fresh, whole foods is the best way to stay away from unsavory additives, but, assuming you do include some processed foods in your diet, the following additives are ones you surely want to stay away from. Look for them on ingredient labels and if one turns up, take a pass.
Propyl Gallate
This preservative, used to prevent fats and oils from spoiling, might cause cancer. It's used in vegetable oil, meat products, potato sticks, chicken soup base and chewing gum, and is often used with BHA and BHT (see below).
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are used similarly to propyl gallate -- to keep fats and oils from going rancid. Used commonly in cereals, chewing gum, vegetable oil and potato chips (and also in some food packaging to preserve freshness), these additives have been found by some studies to cause cancer in rats. If a brand you commonly buy uses these additives, look for a different variety, as not all manufacturers use these preservatives.
Potassium Bromate
This additive is used in breads and rolls to increase the volume and produce a fine crumb structure. Although most bromate breaks down into bromide, which is harmless, the bromate that does remain causes cancer in animals. Bromate has been banned throughout the world, except for in the United States and Japan. In California, a cancer warning would likely be required if it were used, which is why it is rarely used in that state.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
MSG is used as a flavor enhancer in many packaged foods, including soups, salad dressings, sausages, hot dogs, canned tuna, potato chips and many more. According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, an author and neurosurgeon, there is a link between sudden cardiac death, particularly in athletes, and excitotoxic damage caused by food additives like MSG and artificial sweeteners. Excitotoxins are, according to Dr. Blaylock, "A group of excitatory amino acids that can cause sensitive neurons to die."
Many consumers have also personally experienced the ill effects of MSG, which leave them with a headache, nausea or vomiting after eating MSG-containing foods. To find out more about the side effects associated with MSG, as well as a complete list of which foods contain it, see our past article MSG: If it's Safe: Why do They Disguise it on the Labels?
Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet)
This artificial sweetener is found in Equal and NutraSweet, along with products that contain them (diet sodas and other low-cal and diet foods). This sweetener has been found to cause brain tumors in rats as far back as the 1970s, however a more recent study in 2005 found that even small doses increase the incidence of lymphomas and leukemia in rats, along with brain tumors.
People who are sensitive to aspartame may also suffer from headaches, dizziness and hallucinations after consuming it.
Acesulfame-K is an artificial sweetener that's about 200 times sweeter than sugar. It's used in baked goods, chewing gum, gelatin desserts and soft drinks. Two rat studies have found that this substance may cause cancer, and other studies to reliably prove this additive's safety have not been conducted. Acesulfame-K also breaks down into acetoacetamide, which has been found to affect the thyroid in rats, rabbits and dogs.
Olestra is a fat substitute used in crackers and potato chips, marketed under the brand name Olean. This synthetic fat is not absorbed by the body (instead it goes right through it), so it can cause diarrhea, loose stools, abdominal cramps and flatulence, along with other effects. Further, olestra reduces the body's ability to absorb beneficial fat-soluble nutrients, including lycopene, lutein and beta-carotene.
Sodium Nitrite (Sodium Nitrate)
Sodium nitrite (or sodium nitrate) is used as a preservative, coloring and flavoring in bacon, ham, hot dogs, luncheon meats, corned beef, smoked fish and other processed meats. These additives can lead to the formation of cancer-causing chemicals called nitrosamines.
Some studies have found a link between consuming cured meats and nitrite and cancer in humans.
Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil
The process used to make hydrogenated vegetable oil (or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil) creates trans fats, which promote heart disease and diabetes. The Institute of Medicine has advised that consumers should eat as little trans fat as possible. You should avoid anything with these ingredients on the label, which includes some margarine, vegetable shortening, crackers, cookies, baked goods, salad dressings, bread and more. It's used because it reduces cost and increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods.
Blue 1 and Blue 2
Blue 1, used to color candy, beverages and baked goods, may cause cancer. Blue 2, found in pet food, candy and beverages, has caused brain tumors in mice.
Red 3
This food coloring is used in cherries (in fruit cocktails), baked goods and candy. It causes thyroid tumors in rats, and may cause them in humans as well.
Yellow 6
As the third most often used food coloring, yellow 6 is found in many products, including backed goods, candy, gelatin and sausages. It has been found to cause adrenal gland and kidney tumors, and contains small amounts of many carcinogens.
***So where did I find this info? From a site called SixWise.com if you click this link ... HERE ... it will take you directly to the page I got the above info from. Links within the article will take you to other parts of the Six Wise site. I found it interesting & intend to do some more research on some of these additives. Kind of hard to eat normal food if you try to avoid ALL these things. Sigh ... maybe one day we won't have to watch labels so carefully.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Believe .. Have a seat....relax...and read this slowly.
...that we don't have to change friends
I believe -
...that no matter how good a friend is,
they're going to hurt you every once in a while
I believe -
....that true friendship continues to grow,
even over the longest distance.
I believe -
....that you can do something in an instant
that will give you heartache for life.
I believe -
...that it's taking me a long time
I believe -
....that you should always leave loved ones
with loving words.
I believe -
....that you can keep going
I believe -
....that we are responsible for what we do,
no matter how we feel.
I believe -
....that either you control your attitude
I believe -
...That heroes are the people who do
I believe -
...that money is a lousy way of keeping score.
I believe -
....that my best friend & I can do
anything or nothing & have the best time.
....that sometimes the people you expect
I believe -
....that sometimes when I'm angry
I believe -
....that maturity has more to do with what
types of experiences you've had & what you've
learned from them & less to do with how many
birthdays you've celebrated.
I believe -
....that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others.
I believe -
....that no matter how bad your heart is broken
I believe -
...that our background & circumstances
I believe -
....that you shouldn't be so eager to find
out a secret. It could change your life forever.
I believe -
....two people can look at the exact same
thing & see something totally different.
I believe -
...that your life can be changed in a matter
of hours by people who don't even know you.
....that even when you think you have no
more to give, when a friend cries out to you -
I believe -
...that credentials on the wall do not
I believe -
.... that the people you care about most in
life are taken from you too soon.
I believe -
....that you should send this to
I just did.
I am a Witch
I see beauty in all life...
I hear the whispers of the trees ~
I feel the gentle breeze
The warmth from the sun
The soft spring rain
The wisdom of those before
The strength & power
and keeps me balanced.
I am a Witch.
I have pledged myself
For it is from Them all life comes...
And without Them ~ I cease to be.
I am a Witch.
The magick stirring within me...
I have come to see myself...
I have come to know myself...
Love myself
I stand with Them...
I am a Witch.
My truth...
Just as your truth...
I do not question
All parts of One.
I am a Witch...
I follow my path...
My map...
Yet perhaps you too are a Witch...
Our maps are unique unto us...
You may walk beside me ...
Let us learn
I am a Witch...
Maiden... Mother... Crone ~
I shall share my life knowledge freely ...
So that those who have lost their way...
I do not seek to change you...
find you.
(Author not known to me)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
My pendulum

Sometimes I wonder what should go here. What should I write about? How personal do I get? The intention to keep up with this is there, but it quietly waits for me to make new entries.
Just waiting ...
In daily life, I feel my spiritual side sometimes gets lost. Okay, often. It all depends on what is going on in life I suppose. I've let my Reiki slip. The seasons? Yup, they happen, without a ritual or anything. Full moons? Yup, those too. I'm not saying I want to recognize every little thing with a special ritual or something. That is sooo not me anyways. But I do wish I'd just acknowledge them a bit better as they happen.
One thing I have put more into is my pendulum. Recently my daughter wanted her own after we spent some time talking with mine to help her get thru some tough choices she was struggling with. We ended up going up to Spirals in nearby Chelan. Not only did she find her own pendulum, but I found another. Yes, I have one at home. I use it. It works well. But I just couldn't help myself when I was looking. I had one speak to me that it was for me & should come home with me. So, it did. This new one responds to me even better than the first one. I like it.
I've talked with a friend about the use of pendulums & how much faith to put into them. I love how she explained it to me. The energy coming form the pendulum is like that of our over souls. The answers come from a higher form of ourselves. A form that can see the entire picture, something that we can not always see ourselves. She went into a bit more, but I can't now put it all into words. I know that, I choose to believe this, & in turn can put my faith into my pendulum & the answers it gives me.
Another reason I choose to believe what answers come from it, is that it does NOT always tell me what I want to hear. Then I have to wait & see why.
Case in point? We found a house to rent with our friends. We thought it was perfect. The location was good, the size was big enough. Why would we not be able to rent it? No matter how I phrased the question, the answer was no. We finally got to see the inside. Although it was not perfect, we could have made it work. We as in our family. Not the friend's family. They had planned to take the basement area since they were comfortable with less space. The space was plenty big, but there was not enough daylight. So, we found out why we would not be able to move in. Until we got to see it, we had no idea of the big picture. We had no idea why on Earth we would not be able to make this work.
There have been other queries that I would have loved to have gotten yes answers for, that have not happened. I trust that there is good reason, & go about my day. I do not totally live by the answers, but do use them as a guide.
I enjoy this form of divination more than any other I have tried so far. Why? Because it gives a definitive yes or no. There is a lot less interpretation to do as with other forms. Most other forms of divination require you to interpret the answer. To me this gives them less weight so to speak. Answers could be interpreted to suit many things, all depending on how you look at it.
Of course I believe everyone has their own views & beliefs on this. I honor that. This is just my personal view & what works for me. As time goes on, I may find something else that works as good or even better. For now, at this point along my path, I have found a tool to help guide me along my journey.
Life with changes
It still takes a bit of extra time to go shopping. We still check various labels as we go along, seeing what else has, & doesn't have the things we are avoiding & removing.
My laundry is coming clean too. I still have some Era I'm using as my main detergent, but no bleach or other chemicals. I add vinegar for fabric softener & baking soda to help whiten. In the white loads I also add hydrogen peroxide in the washers bleach reservoir. So far, not bad.
And I really dont miss having to buy all those various cleaners for every little thing. The money I save buying cleaners, I can spend on better food. Granted I'm not a clean freak to begin with, but my home is clean. I dont fret over germs. I know we need them to a degree to be healthy. Some people would disagree with me on that, but that is their choice. We rarely get sick & we believe one reason is that our bodies have good immune systems, build in part ... by germs.
So anyways, the quest goes on, everyday. We make decisions on what to buy based on ingredients & it makes us feel empowered to have that choice. We are taking small steps to a better, healthier us.