What a fun & full weekend we had.
Friday evening we went over to our friend Joy’s house. She hosts a get together once ever other week or so for all us like minded folks who have felt kind of lost since our local Pagan store closed last year. We got to chat, visit, play show & tell… it was allot of fun. We watched a bit of The Secret & chatted briefly about what we watched. In all, it was a great evening. I now want to learn more about vortexes, RFID tags, & a few other things that slip my mind now (figures).
Saturday we did end up going to the falls.
It was the 3 of us along with my girlfriend, her 3 kids and one of her girls, girlfriends. Was a long ride to get there, but so worth it. We all had a great time, broke the rules, took many pix & made a great day of it.
When we got home, Tim & I changed & headed over to Leah’s for a birthday party for her boys. We didn’t stay too long since we were both pretty worn out from the day. Was nice to go & relax a bit & visit tho.
Sunday we ended up going to Chelan. Chelan has a spiritual store called Spirals
. We had talked about going when we were at Joy’s on Friday. Joy wanted to come along if we went. So did 2 of the other people there, whom we are friends with. So, a few phone calls after breakfast, & we were gathered & ready to go. It was a beautiful day to ride up there. It takes about 45 minutes riding along the river for most of the trip. We had a wonderful time browsing thru the store. Tim fell in love with the various singing bowls, as well as the drums & wind chimes. We both got our first pendulums. How totally cool to actually see it work in your own hands. I found a gorgeous necklace that was just perfect for me (only $10) too. Joy, Cliff & Krystal all enjoyed finding treasures to take home too.
Afterwards, we stopped at a fruit stand, then at the dam and finally at Krystal’s grandma’s house, before heading back home.
The Dam
was a total impromptu stop. Joy mentioned she had never been there. So, we stopped for a short look-see. She enjoyed it. We’ll have to go again when we have more time & energy to enjoy it all more slowly. The gardens they have are so pretty & full this time of year.
Krystal’s Grandparents house. Wow. It was built back in maybe 1900 or so. Not past 1915 for sure. It is for sale, but in sad shape. Unfortunately, we are not in a position to take on the love work it would take to return it to all its glory while enjoying living there. Was awesome to be able to see it tho, & hear her tell stories of when she was growing up. I may have to have her take me back thru so I can take some pictures. There is a good chance it will get bulldozed instead of renovated by who ever buys the property.
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