Six days since I wrote. Again. I think about it all the time, yet always find myself distracted & then the day is gone.
Last Tuesday Connie & I went back up to Chelan. This time we spent our time in a fun shop called Spirals,
& then headed to the Wal-Mart Super Center . We don’t have one here in town. Over a hundred bucks later for each of us, we headed home. I did get a nice new pair of earrings and a nifty rock called Modavite. Oh the money I could have spent in Spirals. Wal-Mart… well, we split the bill since it was mostly food, & each of us spent about $100. Money sure goes quick these days.
I don’t recall what I did last Wednesday. That’s sad.
Last week on Thursday I got together with a friend for some girl time. We got to know each other a little more, which was nice. We learned we have more in common than either of us ever thought. Kinda cool.
Friday my honey had the day off. Nice. We ended up having to replace the starter on his car that morning. Finally, it runs right again. Then he worked on replacing the fuel hose on the bike. Oh what an ordeal buying that thing was. Installing it was easy in comparison. I had taken the formed hose down to the Honda shop. They couldn’t find the hose in their computers. We had tried ordering the 2 formed hoses that the computer showed, but they ended up being the wrong ones. We finally just got plain old bulk fuel hose & used that. Thankfully, it made the bends we needed it to make without a problem. So now the bike runs well again too.
Friday evening we went to a friends for a small BBQ party. Come fireworks time, we ended up along the river in a fairly decent spot to watch. Was nice, without crowds or traffic issues. Granted it would have been allot nicer if it had been just me & my man, but all in all, it was okay. We had our own fireworks Saturday night so that made up for it somewhat. J
Saturday morning Connie & I went to the market. We both sold almost the same amount. I was happy for her that she sold some of her wood burning stuff. I sold more cards(7) & book marks(4) than I have in quite awhile. Still only made like $34, but even that was better in relative terms than the whole Chelan weekend. And I had more people wander thru & look in the first 2 hours than I did all weekend in Chelan. Granted, we had a beautiful day weather wise too. In all, not a bad market. Not great or truly worth the time, but not bad.
After getting home & unloaded, we relaxed a bit. Connie headed off to work & we headed out to take some pictures & just be together. I took some of the dam, so I hope they came out decent. I haven’t looked yet. Bad huh?
Sunday Tim went off on a motorcycle ride. He figured he’d only be gone a couple hours. No biggie, we’d do something together when he got back. Well his 2 hours turned into 4 ½. He ended up visiting a bit longer than expected with a few artists we know up in Leavenworth . He had a good time tho, & that’s what matters. I just kinda hung out here & relaxed. After he got home we decided neither of us felt like cooking, so we went out to have Chinese. Then afterwards, we tried finding me a new bathing suit. Yeah, that was fun. Not. There’s nothing left. It’s only July & the suits along with all other summer things, are already on clearance & going fast. What the heck? Even some of the stores garden centers are clearing out stuff. Marketing people are crazy. Back to school stuff is on the shelves already. Sigh.
So there is a quick rundown of the past week. I spent some time today packing some boxes. No, we don’t have a move date yet. But some things we just don’t need out, so they can get packed now. I didn’t feel like sitting here all day so I figured I should be constructive. 9 various sized boxes later, I’m good. Almost all my nick knacks are packed. The photo albums are packed. The bar stuff, a few kitchen things, all packed. Hey it’s a start. A small one but a start.
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