
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wishcasting: Healing

I write about many things in my blog. Lately not much has been of a truly personal nature tho. I tend to keep the personal stuff in a more private setting when I do share. But this idea of coming together to wish for things is too awesome not to share.

I have been reading these wonderful Wishcasting Wednesday posts in my daughter’s blog for some time. I wandered over to see where she gets these prompts from & learn more. Jamie hosts a  Wishcasting Wednesday each week. I enjoyed reading & signed up to get the prompts in my inbox. Seeing today’s topic I had a wish come to mind easily, so finally I am jumping in & joining!

I think I have healed emotionally, for the most part, from the inflictions of my first marriage. It took a long time.
Now, I think to my own body. I think to the internal things which I know plague certain areas, both inside & out. Some of the things I am fully aware of yet have not found it within me to find the correct remedy, for me, to fix them. Some things I know I am not even fully aware of what exactly they are …

Without any health insurance, it is extremely difficult to just go to a doctor for something. Never mind the fact I would search out a Naturopathic one which might not even accept my insurance, if I had it. For the time being I rely on what I learn & listening to my body. Not the best solution, but it works. Well, kind of.

On that note …

I wish for healing of my body. I wish for my body to be in perfect health; to be well.

 Now, to make some new friends by reading what others are wishing for & helping to spread their wishes!


  1. As you wish for yourself, so do I wish for you.

  2. Welcome to the Wishing bandwagon! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well.
    I did not feel compelled to respond to this week's post, not yet anyhow. Perhaps next week I'll get back on this bandwagon...

  3. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

  4. As you wish, Nicole, I wish for you also. Nice to meet you :)

  5. As you wish for yourself Nicole so do I wish for you also. Cx


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