One of the things I deal with is excessive hair growth. I
have dealt with it in some form since I was a teen. Over the years it has
progressed to more areas & just gotten worse. I always figured it was some
kind of hormone thing but in the last 10 years we haven’t really had insurance
to try doing anything about it. Before that, even when I mentioned it to my
doctor, we never did anything about it. He did not understand how much it
bothered me. Well, that “bother” has only grown as time has gone along.
Caution: there could be TMI to follow ….
Some of the extra hair I have no issue with in general.
Yeah, my legs are hairy & it’s all dark hair. Oh well. I shave. I have for
about 36 years now.
The hair on my arms has gotten thicker & darker as I
have aged. It got to the point where I just did not feel like a girl anymore.
So, after talking several times with my hairdresser of all people, I shaved it!
OMG I felt like a girl! I knew it would grow back but until it did, I felt so
much more feminine. I did not feel the desire to cover my arms. Granted, my
arms are still fatter than I like but that’s another story. So for now, I just
shave them every so often. It seems the hair does not grow back as fast, or as
thick. Too bad I didn't try this, years ago! LOL
Hair on my belly, happy trail & downward. Yeah. There is
a lot. And it’s dark. Not exactly sexy. And yes, over the years I have shaved
it many times. Or I have used the hair removal cream. Obviously at the pubic
hair line I don’t use creams. And yes, there is a lot down there too. That,
doesn't bother me. I can keep it trim, clean or bushy. And it been all those
over the years. Like I said, TMI.
But here is one I don’t like … or find sexy. Hair around my
areolas. Yup. And in between them. Sigh. Oh the hours I have spent plucking
hair there. And the countless ingrown hairs that have required a little extra
care there. Not sexy at all. And besides annoying, time consuming! And I’m not
talking about thin blonde hairs. No. It’s thick, dark (& now gray!) hairs.
If I would never shave this could easily be me. But mine extends up on my chin & also my upper lip |
Wait! There’s more … my face. My upper lip, my chin, my
neck, my sideburns. And even some strays on my cheeks. We won’t even mention
how thick my eyebrows are. My side-burn area I pick at with tweezers. Same goes
for the sides of my upper lip. But my chin? Yeah … no. It gets shaved about
every other day these days. Sometimes it’s daily, depending on life &
sometimes I can go several days & give my face a break. My upper lip &
sideburns get waxed every 3-5 weeks. You would think all that plucking would
eventually cause the follicles to make smaller finer hairs or just stop. Not
for me.
And to think … it could all be caused from an imbalance.
Something I have lived with for way too many years. Something I will now work
to correct. If any of this makes you look at yourself & wonder … go see
your doc! Don’t wait like I did. Well, I still don’t have actual insurance but
I am finding a way to do what needs done, for my well being. After all, I’ll be
50 in February. I do not want to live the second half of my life as lazily
(& out of balance) as the first half.
Tomorrow I go back to the doc & we talk results of the bloodwork. Not sure I'll get another entry in before we leave on vacation so I'll update when we get back. And the technical side of hair growth? Yeah I think i can blog about that too.