It’s not that I’m not spiritual, its that I don’t purposefully think about it on a regular basis. I wish I did. Maybe if I were around others who were, more often, I would. I remember when my friend Leah still lived here & how much my spiritual side was an active part of the rest of me. She had a metaphysical shop for a couple years where she had weekly ‘meeting’ nights. She also was a personal friend so we got to hang at her house anytime. I miss her.
When we did that move to Florida thing last year (2010) it was kinda nice to be near my other Pagan friend, Krista. She is very much into the whole witch thing. Was nice to be around her for that. There were a few others around down there as well ...
Now, back here, living alone with just my man, I feel kind of isolated from all of it. Sure, I can go online & connect with other like minded folks. But somehow that’s just not the same. We do have a pagan yahoo group for our area that I started years ago. But again, we’re spread out & not very active. Out of sight, out of mind it seems.
I miss my pagan connections. I miss paying closer attention to the calendar & all the little pagan holidays. Perhaps with this being the beginning of the new year on the pagan wheel, I can make a better attempt to get back to my spirit side …