My Pendulums have been a huge focus in my life recently. Yes, that was plural. I have 2. I find myself using one when I am asking about personal things related to me, & my family & friends. I use the other one when I ask on behalf of a friend or if something is totally not personal. I can not exactly explain it, but I just know when to use which one. And if I'm in doubt, I'll ask them which I should be using.
With Mercury Retrograde in full swing right now, it has been an intense time for revisiting my queries from before MR began. I asked if during this time it was good to re-ask some questions. Oh yes. And would my answers be more accurate during MR? Oh yes, again. So, that is exactly what I have been doing, along with asking some new questions too.
I feel extremely connected to the pendulum. It feels so natural whenever I use it & I have since the first time I picked one up. Apparently, this is my gift for this lifetime. How do I know? I asked!
There have been some very interesting answers to my questions lately. When people or books tell you don't ask a question you don't want the answer to, they are not kidding. I got a couple answers last week that caught me totally off guard. Yeah ... so I will be careful in the future when I find myself drawn towards wanting to know things that maybe ... I don't really want to know.
I'll be adding some entries with some pendulum info I've gathered. I may back date them a bit, or not. Not sure yet. So, watch for them. Ok, that's all for the moment. I think.