
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Here I am again.

Still feeling rather weird. But, as with everything, we deal.
So today my honey comes home saying he has news. Well, instinct makes ya blurt out “uh-oh” without thinking. I mean, consider the news we’ve had recently with his job. So he tells me his schedule is being changed, effective Friday. In my mind, I said oh shit. Then he tells me “now wait, it’s not that bad. It’s kinda good actually”. Ok. They are gonna try having him & another guy do a slightly later shift, but still working 9 hours. Hmm… ok, that doesn’t sound too bad. At least he still has some OT. So his new hours are from 8 to 545. He now gets to sleep in til 630. We can get up together! Nice. He can go to bed around 10. Again, nice. So all considering, not too bad.
Then earlier this evening I spent some time online trying to find out some ownership info on that house we’re looking at. There might be hope yet. I found out a little. Seems we should have most of the bargaining room we need. We’ll see how bad they want to sell. I told our realtor & she’ll do more research. She’ll get back to me by Monday. Cool. Meanwhile, there is still hope of renting the house my girlfriend has. No idea when the guy will finish his house & move out tho. But, it’s something to keep in the back of our minds.
EDIT: got email back from her with not too positive news, but, we’ll see.
Our friend Joe is building a computer for Tim. It’s something, which even given all his physical limitations, he can still reasonably do. It’s to repay him for all the help he has given them. We try to tell him it’s what friends do, but who are we to argue a free computer for him? So looks like we need to do some rearranging around here and find a small desk for him. So far he’s been using my laptop & been just fine. But now, he’ll have a desk top to use & be able to start playing his Flight Simulator game with Joe. I know he’ll have a great time with it. A little rearranging now, and some more when we move. No biggie right?

So anyways… I get to go pick up the dryer control panel part Friday morning. Hopefully it won’t take long for the hubby to install it. Then in the evening I get to load the car for market Saturday morning. I’ve been feeling really weird about that whole thing too. I think I may have to insert my foot in my mouth & clear the air somehow. I’m not always the best at figuring out how to approach things like this, so no telling how it’ll turn out. Worst thing? I leave the market. Not all that bad in my eyes anymore, but …. Yeah.
Ok, I started this at 1030. It’s now 1115. I think I’m done.

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